A pre-New Year’s rededication

…with all due respect to Long Limbs Lenore (of Forrest Gump fame), I don’t believe in New Year’s Eve, as far as it being a chance at renewal.  We have that chance each and every day, and all we have to do is step across the line and get moving.

Why do we make New Year’s resolutions?  They’re really kind of silly, when you get down to it.

“Don’t you just love New Year’s?  Everybody gets a second chance!”

We look back on a year coming to its close, focus on those things we didn’t do, or didn’t do well enough, and resolve to fix them.  We focus on the negative, with the intent of fixing it, and because a new year is dawning, we rally around the symbol of renewal to start over.  We focus on things we’ve neglected, and out of guilt, shame, or whatever reason we choose, WE RESOLVE to do whatever it is that we should have been doing all along. Continue reading “A pre-New Year’s rededication”

Tentative steps after rehab


“Sense of overconfidence detected!”

It feels great to be moving around again and, as usual, I’m starting to think about bigger and better things, which of course, raises a HUGE RED FLAG. Continue reading “Tentative steps after rehab”

Just registered for the Army Ten Miler


Yep – went ahead and registered.  Injuries and all.

Call it habit.  Call it optimism.  Call it bull-headed determination.  Call it denial.

Call it what you will…I don’t care.  I’m going to do it, and get through it.  It may not result in the kind of time I’d like to see, but it’s getting done.

I’m still rehabbing (again), and the setbacks are starting to mount.  Fortunately, I’ve got an appointment with the doc in a couple of weeks, and we’ll chart a way forward.

Either way, I’ll be hitting the capitol’s streets October 9.  Hopefully, it’ll be running.


Product Review: Yurbuds Focus

yurbuds focus
Yurbuds Focus:  $28.50

I’ll open this review by saying that I’ve always had problems finding earphones (especially earbuds) that stay put while I’m running.  In fact, for many years, I had been relegated to over-the-ear models because I simply couldn’t find a model that would comfortably stay in place.  It didn’t matter what size earpiece I fitted to the buds – they were coming out one or two miles into a run.

That little problem ended with the Yurbuds Focus. Continue reading “Product Review: Yurbuds Focus”

For the first time in months, I ran.

IMG_1444In past years, running a mile wouldn’t even warrant an entry on my daily log.  It’d be a warmup, and go unrecorded.  How times change!

Yesterday, I spent eight minutes, 35 seconds on the treadmill, sandwiched between brisk half-mile walks for warmup/cooldown.  Barely enough to break a sweat, but just enough to make me want more. Continue reading “For the first time in months, I ran.”

Hey – You’re doing that wrong!

elliptical failI got out of my normal Sunday routine today, mainly due to oversleeping.  I had intended to get out to the gym before running my daughter to CCD at the local military base.  I hit the gym there, instead of my normal one.  It’s a smaller gym, but the intent today was just to get some intense cardio in, so it’d do.

The gym wasn’t particularly crowded, and I was able to get on a treadmill for a quick warmup before jumping on the elliptical for a hard 45 minutes.  I really wish I could just run, but…Achilles.  😦

Things went just fine – a little stiffness from the outset, which subsided after about 10 minutes.  About five minutes later, a guy got on the machine to my left and just started flailing away.  He was going hands-free, which is all well and good, but his arms were everywhere.  He put that thing on max incline, and commenced to bouncing wildly.  It was really something to see. Continue reading “Hey – You’re doing that wrong!”